Choosing the correct type of home for your pet is a very important decision you have to make. It is important that your chinchilla has a home where they feel happy and is safe and comfortable.
House your chinchilla in a wire cage inside your home. Chinchilla's love to jump and climb, so make sure you choose a cage that offers shelves, or the ability to add ledges and shelves. Always keep the cage in a cool location away from the sun. Chinchilla's get heat stroke very easily, you must provide air conditioning for them, even if it is a little warm, your chinchilla will be very hot. Chinchilla's are native to a cool climate and have very dense fur to protect them from the cold. This fur will cause them to overheat very quickly.
Chinchilla's must be kept at temperatures below 70 degrees at all times.,
No plastic Shelves, they need to be made of a safe chewing item as your chin will chew them.
Don't let this deter you from the cage of your liking, you can replace plastic shelving with Kiln Dried Pine shelving very easily or cover with Antipill'd fleece.