Your Chinchilla cage will need a water bottle and a food dish. You may use a food bowl, that sits on the floor, but your chinchilla could use this for a potty as well. The best are the ones that attach to the cage. Glass water bottles are the best choice since chinchilla's are always chewing. You can use pine shavings, or fleece sues as Anti Pill, or Blizzards to line the bottom of the cage. NEVER uses CEDAR WOOD or CAREFRESH.
Chinchilla's teeth are constantly growing so you must always provide something for them to chew. We recommend wood toys made from safe wood, you can also use Scotia Stoves, or Lava Ledges, stones made for small animals. Your new chinchilla will need a dust bath a few times a week.
Never have any type of Plastic. Should the cage you purchase have plastic ledges, replace them with wood ledges, or cover them with approved fleece.